Monday, 1 August 2011

Sunday 31st July - Kakadu 11,920 Km

Saturday 30th July – 11624 Km

Yea, off this morning to Kakadu. A few stops along the way – jumping crocadile cruises etc., but nothing took our fancy, so after lunch we pressed on. Not a very interesting drive. We pulled into Merl campground and dropped off the trailers to reserve a spot (learning) and then drove around the corner to Ubirr -to see the rock paintings and view the sunset from an outcrop. Well, that was once of those experiences you can put on a “Bucket List”. We were very impressed. Sitting up on the top of this rock, overlooking a huge flood plain. A Parks Ranger briefly describing the land, people, culture, art – made it a memorable experience. Learnned (I am having a problem with these nnnnasty 'N's – they seem to have a stutter and I keep having to return and delete them, no mmore , hahm, hah hah, now my mmmmms have them, all without anny 'medicine either) Now, where was I. Oh yes, we learned so much about indigenous culture – some 'incidents' in Fremantle make sense nnow. We were all amazed no one ever explains this. We all raced off the rock enmass and the mossies descended. They had hit the camp and cooking dinner was a challenge with the mossies as thick as a blanket. We forgot to close the kitchenn door when we went to bed, so I was entertaind by my nearest and dearest leaping aroud the camper flicking towels at the walls of the camper trying to kill the little blighters. I half expected to wake up covered in lumps and itchy bumps, but we were ok.

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