Thursday, 13 March 2014


Day 42 - MONA

Monday, 10 March 2014

Can't come to Hobart and not visit MONA! Huh, should have listened to my instincts. Modern 'art' is beyond me, I am obviously on the wrong wavelength. I did enjoy the trampoline at the entrance. The tennis court you had to walk through to get to the unsigned entrance looked a bit shabby (I suspect on purpose). The wall of bent mirror through which you walked through the door amused us. Later on sitting up on the bank we enjoyed the reflections it created.

Inside was a mix of some interesting science/technology, like the wall of words created by timed drops of water. I enjoyed the 'media' room, only because the old arm chairs were interesting. Would love to have some of them (recovered in stylist upholstery). I think 'artists' who think it is art to portray weird overtly sexual drawings probably have 'issues'. When you read what they have to say it is even more of a worry, what a load of twaddle, and yards of it.

Hail Mt Wellington

Mona Exhibit

Mona Entrance

Knitting with Video Tape

TV Room

Each fly hung by wire!

Our society, fat with materialism :)

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